About Us

Galatea Bio Tech Srl is a young innovative SME, with operational headquarters at Milano-Bicocca University.

The company's core business is the development of technologies and bio-processes for the production of basic, special and consumer chemicals

obtained through biotechnological processes, and at the same time the production and marketing of these products and derivatives.


Galatea Bio Tech Srl was founded in December 2013 as a spin-off from the University of Milano-Bicocca. The activity began thanks to co-financing from the MIUR (Ministry of Education and Ministry of University and Research), which selected and awarded the project proposal entitled "Production of organic acids and derivatives through microorganisms."
The founding members of the company are Paola Branduardi, Danilo Porro, and Adele Sassella, full professors of Industrial Biotechnologies and Material Physics.
In 2015, Galatea Biotech Srl was awarded (first prize, ex aequo) for the innovative approach proposed in the field of bioplastics production at Cremona_Fiere Edition-BioEnergy, a fair dedicated to renewable technologies.
In 2018, Galatea Biotech Srl filed its first national patent entitled "Process for the cellular biosynthesis of poly-D-lactic acid and poly-L-lactic acid," which was extended to a PCT patent in 2019.

Through a major capital increase acquired in January 2020, Management Innovation became a partner of Galatea Biotech Srl with the aim of promoting a fundamental push in the field of Green-Economy and Bioplastics.

In February 2020, Galatea Biotech Srl won the Trentino Stage of the BioInItaly Investment Forum & Intesa Sanpaolo Startup, a benchmark roadshow event in Italy for innovation in the field of biotechnology and life sciences.

In 2020, Galatea Bio Tech launched a crowdfunding campaign entitled "100% BIOPLASTIC" with the support of Corepla and Produzioni dal Basso. The campaign enabled Galatea Biotech to collect more than EUR 12,000 to begin the development of 100% biodegradable plastic materials.
In 2021 Galatea Biotech launched a second campaign, this time in equity crowdfunding on the Opstart website. The campaign reached a target of EUR 600,000 with the aim of developing new types of 100% biodegradable and compostable PLA bioplastics using green additives and developing new, increasingly sustainable production processes.